Citation - Providence Gazette: 1779.05.29

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Index Entry All nature is but art unknown to thee [fl] 
Location London 
29 May 1779:11 (804)
The American Whig, No. V. . . .
A contemplative mind in reviewing the pages of history, will
discover the operations of divine providence, by a beautiful
disposition of things, whereof even our sufferings make a
necessary part, governing the world, and bringing good out
of evil, agreeable to the sentiments of Mr. Pope, in those
striking lines:
  All nature is but art unknown to thee;
  All chance, direction which thou canst not see;
  All discord, harmony not understood;
  All partial evil, universal good;
  . . . [2 more lines]

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1779.05.29 
Publisher Carter, John 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0042394
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